Deb Case started bowling in the late 70’s with her husband Ray and their “K-Mart Special” bowling balls in some mixed leagues. She came back to bowling in the late 90’s when she bowled in some Adult/Junior leagues with her daughter, Jenny. 

Deb fell in love with the sport. It was a way that she could spend time with her family and friends. She bowled in the Women’s City League, Late night Buffet league, and the Leftovers at RiversEdge.

Bowling was the social time of the week for Deb as she was the most talkative and social butterfly of everyone on the team. She had the knack of always being late for leagues, but never late enough that she could not bowl the first game. She would stop and talk to everyone from the door to her locker and back to her lane (even if she was up to bowl). Deb would always let her team know exactly why she was delayed which most of the time she blamed her daughter for the delay. Her greatest goal was to bowl a two hundred game.

 When bowling tournaments, Deb’s teammates would tell her that the squad started 30 minutes earlier to ensure that she was on time for tournaments. But in typical Deb fashion, this never fooled her. Tournaments were another side of Deb. She really loved bowling with her daughter and took great pride in Jenny’s accomplishments. Even though Deb was not a high average bowler, she would always end up cashing in brackets. Never letting her team forget that she beat them usually headto-head and took all their money. The after bowling shots while waiting for the payouts always brought out another side of Deb that was fun loving and reminded everyone why they loved bowling with her. 

Deb was extremely generous with her time and was always ready to volunteer whenever anyone needed help. She was the treasurer for many years for the youth leagues at RivesEdge even for a few years after Jenny left youth bowling. Deb joined the SCWUSBC Bowling Board as well. You could not have asked for a better board member. She was the head of the Youth Tournaments, Youth Tribute Committee, and was also on many other committees. Deb was stubborn and set in her ways, but she always got the job done. Her passion was for youth bowling. She loved running the youth tournaments. She would work every single squad with the biggest smile on her face and cheered on all the bowlers. 

Deb loved bowling and all her hard work on the board from the first day of her involvement to her very last. She will be greatly missed in the bowling community. We all would like to thank the Hall of Fame for her Induction even though Deb is no longer with us. 

Deb Case will be inducted into the SCWUSBC Womens Hall of Fame for Meritorious Service.